Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Howard Stern: "Dick Durbin Treats Me Like I'm an Idiot!"

Howard reacts to Durbin's stupidity on Muslim radicalization.


  1. Howard shouldn't take it personally. the democrats think all Americans are idiots..

  2. It's the Big Lie principle, with an extra helping of "I'm not actually accusing anyone of anything, so nobody can sue me for libel or force me to make a retraction." It's a cornerstone of extremist propaganda, and in all honesty, this modernized internet-ready version was first developed and perfected by Rush Limbaugh.

  3. That's how Dick Durbin has kept himself in office, sadly...

  4. "It's the Big Lie principle..."

    You just spent 53 words saying absolutely nothing. Howard's right- I'm tired of having to qualify the extremely obvious just so obtuse people can't accuse me of hating all Muslims or whatever.

  5. Howard is right. No one thinks it is ALL MUSLIMS, but how do we tell them apart? I have no doubt Durbin gets plenty of campaign money from CAIR. His hearings were a waste of time and money.


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