Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt Loses to Obama By ELEVEN in Real Clear Politics Avg.

Romney places best followed by Paul.
Click to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. oops! I was just thinking , tea party appeal is nice.....but not enough.
    There HAS to be a moderate element, not that there are no moderates in the T.P.
    Democrat appeal is a REAL plus, for those that are disenchanted.
    I like the way Gingrich seems to fight, but...the way he got the ball rolling on Romney /Bain...well, WRONG attack! Really, I am not too hip on ANY of them (depends on if A.West is a VP, though).
    It does look like Romney...hate to say it....we really cannot expect a complete makeover just yet. But man, put some of Newt into his step, please!


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