Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rick Santorum Tells The Truth About Ron Paul. No Diff Between Paul and Obama on Foreign Policy.

Bout' time someone said it.

1 comment:

  1. Except he's horribly wrong...
    Obama is meddling with his anti-colonialist finger where he shouldn't be and withdrawing where we need a presence. He is doing it on purpose to set up Israel for a fall. It's so transparent it's disgusting.

    Paul would cut us off everywhere and anywhere. No occupied bases in Korea, The Middle East, Germany etc. Everyone would come home and I do mean EVERYONE. His Isolationist tactics would end up with an Iranian fleet parked off our coast or Israel's first probably -- and he'd spout more non-interventionist BS.

    Obama has bungled it, but he is an interventionist.
    Paul is the stark opposite.

    Santorum is right on one point -- they are both distasters.


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