Bonus Interview:
Update! This Gentleman contacted me and apologized for his characterization of the Tea Party. He said he'd never attended a Tea Party so he is in no position to judge our motives. He also states that he is not hyper partisan and he regrets coming off that way.
Double Secret Bonus Footage. Thanks To Patch at The Po/ed Patriot.
wow. Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteOMG! calling out SWAT to keep an eye on Grandma/Grandpa......Someones insain
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of that recent MIA "Born Free" - Ginger Jihad video. Gotta start rounding up those Tea Party folk, cause something's wrong with them. Gotta herd them up and take them out.
Using SWAT as a photo op? Nah! No incitement in that! /s
ReplyDelete*points and laughs at Barack*
This is pretty hard to believe. Our leader is taking his cue from the leader of Venezuela. Sad times.
ReplyDeleteCops don't usually march, do they?
ReplyDeleteYa don't suppose these men can be from Obama's Civilian National Security force, do ya?
Uh oh! Scary!
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Yes, my husband a former cop said they do march, but I can bet they were pretty uncomfortable with this "call to duty"!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat does President Obama have to do with local police?
ReplyDeleteYeah... what exactly does Obama have to do with this?
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine that those SWAT officers, when told of their assignment for the day, had all they could do to not yell "you want us to WHAT?". LOL
ReplyDeleteImpeach this Idiot Obama before civil war breaks out!
ReplyDeletebeing nice will get you nothing
ReplyDeleteJust when you think you've seen it all......YOU HAVEN'T!
ReplyDeleteI heard the secret service called them.
ReplyDeleteI also read one local wag asking, "What, no tanks?" Try searching "Quincy, Ill + riot police + tea party". Lots of hilarious pictures out there--suitable for sending to lib friends--of little grandma types waving to the camera in front of a row of riot police.
LOL! You people crack me up! Um, please, for the record...where the hell was this at? You say it's a Tea Party rally? Where? Why no cometary on specifics?
ReplyDeleteLet me guess, you are taking a totally unrelated video and claiming it is from a Tea Party rally? Am I right? 'Cause it would be typical of you confederate pukes...
This wasn't local police. Quincy doesn't have a SWAT team.
ReplyDeleteElmo, the video is from a TEA Party rally in Quincy, Illinois. You can find more specifics on the story if you do an internet search.
ReplyDeleteTiananmen Square!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHA! You people are complaining that the secret service is protecting the President? That's what the secret service does, you MORONS!!!
ReplyDeleteYou people make it way to easy to make fun of you...
Tickle me elmo can type!
ReplyDelete@elmo: I can tell you are a complete lie-beral idiot. Typical lie-beral twit sitting in mommies basement posting on his little pute in between classes at the local community college. Probably got a couple nasty tats and nose ring too. Maybe even a purple mohawk. Loser!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of Idiot Hillbilly Hoosiers.... What kind of derangement are you suffering from ? What's with this Rush to be a victim? Get a real job you idiot Hillbilly Hoosier.
ReplyDeleteEvery single one of you are idiots. All of you. Even you, Elmo. Every single one of you. Except for dmcindc. Because that's what that "Born Free" video was all about. You win the Smaert Award!
ReplyDeleteYou see this is what happens when you allow people who are hopped up on geritol and metamucil to gather. The riot police for this? Didn't the Democrats do the same thing in the '60s against MLK and the civil rights movement. It was people like the Tea Partier that brought Racial equality for minorities!!!!!
ReplyDeleteelmo, this was at Quincy,Il while Obama was giving a speech and the Tea Party was gathered outside. Why don't you watch the video and find out the facts before you spew....
ReplyDeleteThe regular uniformed officers had the tea party under control just fine.The Tea Partiers were complying with every demand. There was no need for SWAT. If they were there to protect the president they would have been there the entire time. They were only called when the Tea Party broke out in
This is just outrageous! More so... a waste of Taxpayer money, as usual!
ReplyDeleteBut I would be 'on guard'1! Maybe some peaceful citizen might ask a representation question!!
The riot police were amusing; But I really enjoyed the interviews! These were people with strong opinions - of which none could be substantiated with truth!
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering what the additional cost to the city of Quincy,Illinois was to have the SWAT TEAM called out there for that day, since Quincy, Illinois does not have their own SWAT team?
ReplyDeleteThe articles I've read was local police in riot gear. Not SWAT. I guess when you put on riot gear you become SWAT? Anyway, I liked the comment about geritol and metamucil.
Wow. just... wow. That is just unbelievable. But the president didn't actually send for them himself, I mean, he probably had nothing to do with it. Still... this is totally outrageous.
ReplyDelete"...He's a great orator, I mean, he wouldn't have won the Nobel Prize if he wasn't."
ReplyDeletePossibly one of the most vacuous statements I've ever heard.
And this guy votes.
I really hope for all of us that someone wakes up in washington and we can save this country befor we have another revolution.
ReplyDeleteWe are seeing the future. Get ready, folks.
ReplyDeleteJust for the record the following agencies have SWAT teams or tactical response units in the Quincy/Hannabil area ,
ReplyDeleteThe US Marshals Service,
Dept. Homeland Security,
US Coast Guard Riverine Unit,
Adam County Sherrif Dept. and
Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
There may be more I am not aware of. In the city in central California where I work(pop. 650,000+) we have 21 active SWAT Teams.
No city in the US with a population base of over 130,000 and many central transportation routes is without the "protection" of multiple teams.
This is nothing new people. America's militarized police is the very face of big government. Tea party activists who supposedly oppose big government would do well by beginning with opposition to the militarized riot police units that have been created all across the country.
ReplyDeleteI guess if they didn't threaten the president then they wouldn't be considered a threat.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the great-grandmas who was sitting there in Quincy under the shade of a big old oak tree, sipping lemonade when the Tea Party people were ORDERED to move back from the corner, which they did without contest. Within minutes these riot gear police officers appeared. I actually felt sorry for them because I know -- deep in my heart -- that they were embarrassed to be there. Sad, isn't it, what this country is coming to...
ReplyDeleteI like how the tea party people are always "encouraged" to stay on the sidewalk, but any other marching group, with few exceptions, can do what ever they want. That's the way it's been at any event I've been to. Notice the "Illegal" supporters marching this weekend, see if they are resticted to the sidewalk. Maybe they don't want to deal with that many SCOFFLAWS!!!
ReplyDeleteSinging was brilliant...all protestors should sing the national athem. Powerful counter psychology at play there.
ReplyDeleteYou people crack me up! These police officers were simply DOING THEIR JOB! You know a job, were most of us were yesterday instead of standing in the steet and singing God Bless America just to be annoying. You want to sit here and make hateful comments about how these officers looked, the way they marched, etc. The majority of these men and women were doing this on their days off from their local departments. They are not the SWAT team you idiots. They are a Mobile Field Force Team. If you could read, you would have seen this on their uniforms! You want to criticize and make fun of these men and women for doing a job that most of you wouldn't have the guts to do everyday. Humm... I thought as Americans we were supposed to provide security to our President, the leader of our country.
ReplyDeleteReally - the old folks are that dangerous huh? How many bombs have they exploded in Police Stations like Wm. Ayers Obama's friend and do they spew racist talk like Obama's "former" pastor. Only in the fairyland the Dems inhabit and that of the lame stream media Koolaid drinkers. Obama wants everyone to eat right for "their health"-does smoking cause cancer? What happened to the strong backbone he is rumored to have? He still smokes doesn't he? Isn't it interesting that this regeime wants to tell us what is good for US but they do as they damn well please cause they are the elite.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, Anonymous. I saw the uniforms. The said "POLICE" -- no more, no less!
ReplyDeletePig fascists! Those police should be retired, aggressively!
ReplyDeleteAnon. 11:24,
ReplyDelete"You people crack me up! These police officers were simply DOING THEIR JOB!"
Yup. Somebody's gotta keep the protesters inside the Free Speech Zones, after all.
I am making every effort to be polite here.
ReplyDeletePlease see my post above regarding SWAT/Tac. Response Teams.
Please if you are going to post at least do the minimum and know of which you speak.
A definition of Mobile Field Force Team can be found at this link
No responsible LE commander would use this kind of unit to respond to what was occurring in Quincy.
Please everyone educate yourself before commenting. Divisiveness serves no purpose.
We will need every analytical , measured mind in the days ahead.
Ok some folks seem to be missing the point here. No one is upset with the Police; they understand they were just doing their job. No one questions the fact the President requires a serious amount security. What people are taking issue with is the fact that only after a group of people, most of who appear to be eligible to join AARP, started to sing and wave “Tea Party” Signs someone in a position of authority felt the need to call in Riot Police. You had a group of people that by all accounts had been cooperating fully with all the Police, moving to wherever the police said, even as the allowable area shrunk and moved farther away. And yet someone in charge still felt the need to hit the panic button and call in the Riot Police. If it wasn’t so sad it would be downright comical
ReplyDeleteNo problem keeping Tea Party protesters on the sidewalks. They are used to sticking to the sidewalks when the attend Memorial Day, July Fourth, Veterans' Day, Patriots' Day parades and other events that celebrate America's greatness and commemorate those that helped to make it so.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, when the POTUS travels domestically, the US Secret Service calls all the shots, regardless of the "coordinate with local law enforcement" language that you might read. Since 2003, the US SS has been part of the Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary of DHS has gone on record multiple times with her opinion that American citizens who oppose the Obama Administration are the greatest threat to domestic security. It should be no surprise that the DHS is responsible for the deployment of police in riot gear to suppress US citizens attempting to freely express their opinions, behavior that is supposed to be protected by the Constitution.
First of all who paid for the riot or swat or who ever this was? Second if Obama was so scared why show up. You know them litlle ole ladies can really hurt you when they pull you ear and make you listen to reason. But then some in this country are just wanting to make somthing out of nothing it seems. Obama you sure look dumb bring out the swat and using grannys money to do that .
ReplyDeleteI've been to several TEA Party gatherings including the one in downtown St. Louis when Obama was and there were no SWAT team like the one at Quincy. Someone called Allmon this morning and said he was standing by a secret service guy and overheard the conversation. He was told to push the TEA Party group way back so the we couldn't be seen by our dear leader. The guy in the video that supports Obama has been drinking too much koolaid. He thinks we are threatening, he needs to look at who was inside with him because as we were leaving one of the sheople threatened to kick my butt. This isn't the first time I've been threatened at a TEA Party gathering.
Quincy Herald Whig; "There were a few tense moments..."
ReplyDelete"A Secret Service agent asked the crowd to move back across the street to the north side.
When the crowd didn't move and began singing "God Bless, America" and the national anthem, Quincy Deputy Police Chief Ron Dreyer called for members of the Mobile Field Force to walk up the street.
The officers, mainly from Metro East departments near St. Louis and dressed in full body armor, marched from the east and stood on the south side of York facing the protesters.
There was no physical contact, and the officers did not come close to the crowd, but there were catcalls and more than a few upset tea party members, including a woman who shouted, "This is communism!"
McQueen also assisted in asking people to step back to the north side of York. The crowd moved back, the officers stayed for about 15 minutes and left, and there were no other incidents."
I know what I read in the local paper there, and I know that some, including Gateway Pundit, dispute the story as written.
It'd be helpful if someone had video of that point in time that's referenced in the newspaper story, to see where folks were, and whether the secret service and local police were having difficulty moving folks off the street, as is claimed.
(I'm trying not to prejudge the situation, but I also remember Mr Hoft's over-the-top reaction to seeing the Secret Service Counter Assault Team, who is at every appearance of every president, and does their job without regard to the politics of the person they're protecting, for the first time: With All Due Respect: Re: OBAMA SECRET SERVICE Pulls Guns On Conservative Tea Party Protesters In Bristol.
I'm not saying that those in law enforcement/security didn't appear to over-react, judging by what I've seen so far--though as I said, I'd like to see whatever video exists of that period just after the motorcade arrived, and throughout both songs--but I'm inclined to give LE/SS the benefit of the doubt as regards a political motive.
Steve is right. No one is criticizing the police--they were doing what the higher-ups told them to do. They probably were embarrassed and wanted out of there. The blame lies with the Obama insecurity squad who thought it would be a good idea to show some force to the peaceful citizens exercising their right to petition their government in a peaceable manner.
ReplyDeleteSo...either these videos aren't showing us something, someone REALLY overreacted and called in SWAT...or it has since obama took over, become against the law and un-American to gather and protest peacefully.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we may have a few more liberal community agaitators come to agitate the right-wingers! Elmo for instance resorts to 1st grade name-calling, which is funny from a guy who a) can't spell b) boasts that someone would claim this is NOT from a tea party rally while it's readily proven. Why do think the lefties are so scared of the tea party??? It's obvious to anyone who cares to look that the Liberal Government is entirely corrupt and it uses its propaganda wing(ABC,NBC,CNN,CBS,MSNBC etc.) to marginalize ANYONE who disagrees with ANYTHING on their agenda. They are going after control of every aspect of our lives & it won't be long before they try to come after the people's guns. Hide & watch. The guy in the video says "it's not as though our freedoms have been reduced".... really? You got buy health care or we'll send the IRS to come fine you or worse. Shut up & wake up- PLEASE!!
ReplyDeleteI think those riot cops would have been more useful here:
I don't understand how progs think any more. I feel like I've gone through the looking glass or down the rabbit hole. It's beyond surreal.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame on those police officers. Can you imagine being an American cop used by a Marxist guy from Indonesia and Kenya to intimidate peaceful protestors in America? That was a shameful display. I would rather dig ditches than be such a tool.
ReplyDeleteBuy guns, gold and groceries. The 2nd American Revolution has started. K.T.N.. WAKE UP.
ReplyDeleteLook up the word "dhimmitude."
ReplyDeletehey all
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about this too much, your President(Obama) is doing his best for get rid of this situation...
I was there. We complied with any and all orders from the "law". Didn't matter, did it? Obama's stooges can and will anything to intimidate us and discourage us. Won't work, though. I WILL be at the corner of hwys K and N with my sign and my flag this Saturday. And next Saturday, and the Saturdays after that....
ReplyDeleteWow! I bet Obama would have come out to greet them if they had been a bunch of illegal immigrants or his friends from SEIU! This guy is such a coward, and a petty little man.
ReplyDeleteI think he should smoke more cigaretts mabey he would get cancer and die.He is scum and I hate him and his illke
ReplyDeleteThe reason the Tea Party has older folks as members is because they have seen how much the country has changed for the worst over the past 50 or so years.
ReplyDeleteThey've seen the elimination of prayer in schools,the lack of personal responsibility for one's actions or life situation, the disregard of the Constitution, the moral decay of our society, the growth of the Federal Government, the lack of leadership from our elected officials, the pervasive greed of our citizens, the lack of backbone of government in the need to protect our borders for fear of losing votes, the millions of aborted babies, the growth of a welfare state,.............etc. etc. etc. And the fear of "Fundamental Change" that Obama promised
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a bunch of losers! Do people ever get tiered of being fakes?
"The only problem with that? The SWAT team wasn't called in. Local police, wearing riot gear, briefly marched down the street to clear it for the president's motorcade."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a bunch of losers! Do people ever get tiered of being fakes?
"The only problem with that? The SWAT team wasn't called in. Local police, wearing riot gear, briefly marched down the street to clear it for the president's motorcade."
It was pretty crazy, I was there! I live across the river in Hannibal, MO and drove 30 minutes to go to the rally, but when I got there 25 minutes before the rally was supposed to start I was told I couldn't get in because they closed the doors 30 minutes before the rally started. So the police and secret service men told me that I had to join the tea partiers across the street or leave. Then the peaceful tea partiers had the riot team blockaide them from doing anything violent. These people were as far away from violent as anyone I know! It's sad what our country has come to, it really is. Protecting the president from peaceful people, what a waste of time and money. No wonder our government is broke!
ReplyDeletePoor Swat guys had to do this. Maybe they should have had a bad case of the Blue Flu.
ReplyDeletePoor retarded in their own little world...
ReplyDeleteThanks to whoever posted the contrast between the peaceful tea partiers at Quincy and the violence from those on the left in ARizona. This whole situation with the riot police called in (poor guys, I bet they would have rather been anywhere else) would be laughable if it werent so sad that the president seems to think that he needs protection from grandma and grandpa.
ReplyDeleteThis is pure intimidation, Hang on to your flag's folks it is going to get a lot worse! Just think how sad it would be if one of those officers was ordered to fire on some one. could he or she do it?
ReplyDeleteHILARIOUS!! When WE were out in the streets during the Bush Administration , Environmental Protests and social protests,riot police were called out regularly. People were beaten harassed and arrested. These exact people in THESE protests called US hippie loser radical socialists. They told us to all go home and get a job and stop ruining the American Way.
ReplyDeleteNOW here they are out in the streets protesting and they get a litle upset about a few riot police? OMG come ON poeple. You wanna protest it isnt a good protest until the police and the Riot guys show up. Nopw you have all of these cool stories to tell your grandkinds.
How you all sttod up against the bad evil President and they called the riot police on your weet innocent non violent protests.
COme on. Nop one got shot with teargas. Nobody got arrested. No body got tasered. No body got batoned. Not likle they did when Bush was in office and we were protesting him/
So stop whining. You want to be protestors its part of the territory. Grow up. Your all geriatric so uyou should all know better.
And by the way I thought this was hilarious as the videographer was try
I read some of you saying the SWAT squad was "uncomfortable" and "embarrassed" being called to march out against the Tea Party folks. That day it was only marching out to keep them on the sidewalk and away from the building Obamarama was speaking in. On what day will they be ordered to shoot at anybody in one of the matter how "uncomfortable" or "embarrassed" it might make them?? When POTUS speaks, everybody has to listen...this president likes to use his bully pulpit against the people instead of to help them. He's the one who ought to be embarrassed, but he's an embarrassment to us!
ReplyDeleteThis is absurd!! We the People are the ones this country was made for. We have the right to free speech and to march against Obama. He is ruining this country and people better wake up before it is too late.
Hey Wonderwoman, when you guys protested you were violent, threw rocks and things at the police, blocked streets, disrupted traffic and so on. No wonder the cops tasered, battoned and arrested you. The Tea Partiers are using peaceful dissent and their constitutional right of peaceful assembly, not your anarchistic riots.
ReplyDeleteI SAW IT! Look closely to the second video. Old lady had a shiv and what appears to be a grenade!
ReplyDeleteSorry! On closer inspection was a crochet hook and a ball of yarn....I'm Bad
Wow cool videos, great post.
ReplyDeleteIf you own a 800 you probably love the convenience and all of the other features it provides. Being able to call your friends and family members, anytime and anywhere you are, is truly amazing. That being said, have you ever bothered to stop and think about how a cell phone call is made?
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