Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Democrat Russ Carnahan On The Ground Zero Mosque...Or Not.

Wanna know where Russ stands on the Ground Zero Victory Mosque? Me too, it's a shame he refuses to answer.


  1. I guess his refusal to answer the question tells us where he stands on the mosque.

  2. Why would he have any comment? Why would anyone outside of NY have any comment? You don't have to hate people just because they are brown dude.

  3. Do always refer to a sitting Congressman by his first name, as if he is a long lost pal? Does that not project a profound disrespect for his office? I agree, the man himself is a sleaze, but, I believe we must always show respect for the office by addressing the current holder with the respect due that role.

  4. I disagree with Ed Lorden. This sleeze bucket works for me, I don't work for him and I pay his salary. He and the rest of these morons in Washington and in local offices in MO (McCaskill) think they are so far above us and WE pay their salaries. I wouldn't even call this guy by his first name because I don't respect him, respect is earned and this piece of Socialism has definitely not earned ANY respect.

  5. Carnie is a doofus. His daddy bought him a law degree at MU and he is as dumb as a box of rocks. He deserves absolutely no respect and no government official does. If he or anyone anywhere wants respect, they must earn it. He's has been given everything his whole life. The last thing we should give this douche is respect.

  6. Someone should send this video to Bill McClellan of the St Louis Post (Disgrace)Dispatch. He wrote an article stating he supports the building of the Ground Zero mosque. He wrote Ed Martin, (Russ Carnahan's Republican opponent), took a stand against building the mosque at Ground Zero, therefore he would be voting for Russ. My question is why, because russ did not give a position on the mosque. Russ's position may be the same as Ed Martin's. Then again, why would anyone vote for someone that will not take a position on controversial issues? Answer, they should not.
    Greg Zotta
    Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22


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