Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Maher defended those who wished death on Dick Cheney 07 but now...


  1. wow is townhall.com journalistically credible? Well if they wouldnt have sliced and diced this interview up you would be presented with the larger idea that while there are loons on the left and the right, the democrats dont allow them to become serious candidates for office and they are sure not the front runners or elected officials. Not the same on the right. There are Republican incumbent birthers, or those on in the republicans in office who say that political opposition should be dealt with, with guns. Most sane people dont see that in the democratic party. Both sides of the political isle has its nuts but the democrats dont coddle them like republicans and fox news. Thats was the larger point. Than again I wouldnt think that this site would really be interested in credibility, its much easier to mud sling. Bill Maher isnt mudslinging he's giving an opinion that he can be challenged on. Townhall.com is snipping it up and picking and choosing clips that really have no place. But whatever Barack Obama isnt even really a citizen right? And probably is going to take your guns away? Thats the rhetoric right?

  2. Anonymous said, "the democrats dont allow them to become serious candidates for office and they are sure not the front runners or elected officials..."
    Alan Grayson is a Democrat and there are many other loons in the Democrat party of the same stripe. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

    Bill Maher is a comedian. He can choose to say, in retrospect, that those things he spouts that are "over the line" were just jokes. In that way, he can say just about anything he wants to and not be held accountable. The real joke is that so many people actually take him and other comedians so seriously.

  3. great, i'm being attacked by somebody who uses the handle Oback Arama, i really shouldnt even argue any futher. You have already argued my point for me. So grayson is a loon because he voted to audit the fed? thought the iraq war was mishandled? got his district stimulus money? Voted to expand hate crimes? Critical of Fox News? I agree these make him a liberal democrat but by no means no loon. What am I failing to not understand? Name these loony members of the public body the democrats coddle. Bill Maher may be a comic but he's a comic with a large stage. Hannity,Limbaush, O'Reilly are all entertainers. Nothing more. You sir are absent of intellect or maybe you just didnt have the time to post a proper argument. I suggest you look at the world around you. Pick up a newspaper.

  4. Wow, is anonymous #1 credible? The proclamation that democrats don’t allow loons to become serious candidates for office and are sure not the front-runners or elected officials sounds pretty loony to me. (I don’t want to mention any names, but her initials are NANCY PELOSI.) Or those democrats in office who say that political opposition should not have guns, when the whole reason for the second amendment is so citizens can protect themselves from government tyranny. No wonder they don’t want citizens to have guns. It would be much easier to seize citizens’ property and rights if they’re not armed. Most democrats don’t see that because they believe whatever their political superiors tell them to believe, regardless of truth or historical patterns. Both sides of the political aisle have their nuts but the democrats coddle and deceive their subjects into submission. That is the larger point. Then again, Sharp Elbows isn’t mudslinging he's offering a debate that anonymous #1 was allowed to challenge. Media Matters and the Center for American Progress snip up videos for propaganda purposes and pick and choose clips that really have no place. But whatever, Barack Obama is probably is going to take your guns away? That’s the rhetoric right? Yes, it is. Not only guns, but rights, property and anything else a Marxist can get away with. That’s what Marxists have always done.

  5. nancy pelosi's initials are nancy pelosi? weird. Hardly a loon. Media matters actually just fact checks faulty claims made by the media, it just so happens that certain pundits just make so many mistakes they dislike being corrected. Do you recall the big hugabaloo about keeping the Bush tax rates in place? Your tax rates havent been touched. What rights do you no longer have that you had in 2008? What property did you get confiscated? Marxist hardly. You scared scared little man. Seeing that organized labor has taken a hit and no longer holds the political clout it once dide, I doubt you have to worry about the proletariat marxists over throwing capitalism. Maybe you can just throw them a bone and maybe give'em some unemployment or the public option so that they arent sleeping in their cars or worse packing up the E.R. or breaking into your car. ahaha Obama a marxist? Ever take a sociology or economics class? Or do you just listen to what Rush tells you? You do know Rush dropped out of school to be a rock disc jockey right. I'd find information else where.

  6. Anonymous # 1 is an Idiot. How about Hank Johnson D (GA) 3-2010 when he asked if putting too much equipment on Guam would cause it to tip over? How about Pelosi saying that unemployment benefits are the fastest way to create jobs. Bwahahah..Al Gore saying in 2008 that 10 years was the point of no return for Global warming....Anonymous one you are an uninformed jackass sheep. bwhahahah!


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