Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Proof That The TEA Party Is Not Racist And Doesn't Tolerate Racists.

In light of certain groups claiming the Tea Party is racist, I figured this video was worth reposting.
This is how the TEA Party handles racists.


  1. Oh good God, bringing this up again? You can go to any tea-party in any town and do the same thing day in/day out. Because they are LITTERED WITH RACISTS! There are only 3 kinds of tea-baggers...racists, corporatists, and those who are both racist and corporatist.

    When are you ass-hats going to come out and openly call for a confederacy again?

  2. Funny the NAACP is racist in scope and name,(advancement of colored people)but nothing is said.How about a NAAWP,for the advancement of white people,now that would be racist wouldn't it.

  3. elmo, to answer your question:

    The Confederacy will Rise Again, when the Democrats decide to rebuild it. Just like they did the first time around.

  4. Could you post the dates on the reposts?

    Thank you for your blog. Very imformative.

  5. so, you wish to bring up your failures again by reposting this blog. What exactly is your tea party values? While you claim to not be racist,I can plainly tell that none of you live in Wellston. I am proud to say that'I am not with you,as the black panther party,the naacp, and Michelle Obama-sotoro declare war on you. This word racist needs to be debunked, and it is very easy to do. by saying "yes I am". Your interpretation of the word means any white who prefers the company of whites. That is human nature as the blacks segregate, the latinos segregate,. All that is noticed on this video is the fact that this man came to listen to what you had to say,and you would not let him. You followed him around in your obama shirt and denied him his civil rights, come represent me, Al Sharpton. I would label you and your group a bunch of closed minded asses. I noticed you were starting to loose your cool as I called you an idiot and a wimp, and to the 40 year old virgin who blogged that he and his dad should have tackled me, step up to the plate, and to the woman in the background saying "he doesn't represent our values",you dont represent my group, and values. I stood there proud in the face of my enemies,somewhat similar to George Lincoln Rockwell, now he is a true american hero. Keep on showing this video,as it gets you the most ratings,but dont delete those that agree with my views. Visit VanillaGorilla

  6. To the web poster-You are a HERO and a TRUE American. Let's drown out these members of the devil's choir by singing a united chorus of LOVE, BROTHERHOOD and OPPOSITION to the infiltrating socialists whether they are of the National Socialist (NAZI) variety and their elk or the socialist puppet of the hour Obama and his minions who show up at the otherwise sacred tea party meetings intent on spreading their diseases of hatred and confusion.

  7. That guy is probably a CIA plant, just a provocateur whose intention is to smear the tea party movement.


Be Nice!