St. Louis has really become a hot bed of political activism this year. This weekend was no different.
Friday evening a group of 20 or so patriots gathered in front of Kirkwood City Hall bearing American Flags and signs supporting Our Troops.
The indecision of the President has lead to low morale for our troops. Surprisingly, Barry's 25 minute meeting (that's 1500 seconds) with General McCrystal didn't solve the problem.
So come out Same place, Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:15 and join these patriots in sending the message.
(Thanx to Robert L Keough Jr. for sending this video)
Can You Hear Us Now? Anti Media Bias Rally! Hundreds Protest Media Bias outside KSDK, The St Louis NBC affiliate. Here Is Their Coverage.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
For more on Saturday's event check out----> Reboot Congress and Thanks to KeyBoard Militia For The slideshow.
Great pics - it looks like a good crowd and always the signs are terrific. (linking you)